Our Mission

Our mission is to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ through specific medical and surgical interventions for poor Cambodians, and to educate the next generation of young Cambodian physicians.

Kendrick Kahler, MD


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Gilead’s Hope 2022 Year End Report July 2023

From Kendrick

“Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Greetings from Kampot, Cambodia. I’m located on the Gulf of Thailand just 35 km from the Vietnamese border. It’s the monsoon season so we often get heavy rains that start and stop abruptly. I do like the break from the heat. I recently returned here to our charity hospital after working at the local VA Clinic in my hometown of New Braunfels, Texas. I enjoy caring for fellow veterans, keeping up with current US medical trends and also earning a salary to support all my living expenses as a volunteer teaching medicine. This is my 22nd year in Cambodia and the work continues to be challenging yet very rewarding! The young Cambodian physicians show improvement in critical thinking, referencing evidence-based medicine and attaining better patient outcomes. We have 20 – 25 senior medical students and young doctors in our 3-year residency training programs at any one time.

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